The official website of Yehudi Menuhin
"The violin, through the serene clarity of its song, helps to keep our bearings in the storm, as a light in the night, a compass in the tempest, it shows us a way to a haven of sincerity and respect."
Yehudi Menuhin
The Vision
Yehudi Menuhin was a rich enigma: a gentle spirit tied to an implacable will: a perfectionist who loved amateurs and young beginners; an ascetic who relished down-to-earth pleasures.
The Music
Menuhin didn't just play the violin. Rather he seemed to regard music as a kind of prayer made audible, and mellifluous.
The Words
He was a driven communicator. And he never sidled, he surged. All his life long there were books, articles, speeches, feverish phone calls and frequent letters to the press.
The Legacy
The foundation and the school; the festival and the academy; the charitable organizations and the competitions he created - they are his evident legacy.
2016 marked the Centenary of the great musician and humanist Yehudi Menuhin, who was born in New York and died in Berlin in 1999.
Visit the Centenary archive website.